Save the date
Save the dateApril 26, 202412:00 PM - 2:00 PM GMT+2
Event Details
Event Details

This session will explain the Standards of GRAP that form the GRAP reporting framework for 2023/24, and look beyond to changes expected in future years. The pronouncements that are effective in this period – such as changes to accounting for employee benefits and new guidance on materiality – will be explained in detail. The session will also provide information on new and amended Standards of GRAP that are not yet effective. Lastly, attendees will be informed of the latest developments at the ASB.

  • Siyasanga Nondlazi (Facilitator at ASB)

    Siyasanga Nondlazi

    Facilitator at ASB

  • Nabeela Iman Shah (Facilitator at ASB)

    Nabeela Iman Shah

    Facilitator at ASB

  • Elizna Van der Westhuizen (Technical Director of Accounting Standards Board in South Africa)

    Elizna Van der Westhuizen

    Technical Director of Accounting Standards Board in South Africa

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