About the SAIGA Anti-fraud and corruption dialogue:

Fraud and corruption affect the global community, especially in South African these two economic defectors are challenges that both private and public sectors seem to be a hassle to manage. Policies on fraud, integrity, whistle blowing, and corruption are found in most policy manuals in organisations.

The inaugural SAIGA dialogue on Anti-fraud and corruption is inspired by the emergent role that auditors and accountants play as defenders of fraud and corruption. The Institute must always advocate for capacity building initiatives and protection of the public interests, and advancement of public sector accounting and auditing professionals.

The 2024 dialogue aims to formulate a framework which organisations in both private and public sectors can utilise for the protection of whistle blowers. Legal recourse and protection for auditors and accountants from fraud and corruption instigators shall also be unpacked by the experts.

Theme: Protecting the whistle blowers.

CPD hours: There will be 6 CPD hours allocated to attendees.

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