Event Details
About the SAIGA Audit and Finance iNDABA
One of the cornerstones of the Institute is to be a trusted advisor and capacity building partner to the public sector in areas related to development, service delivery, accountability, and governance, and to protect the interests of the public sector accounting and auditing.
This inaugural SAIGA Audit & Finance indaba is inspired by the INTOSAI and IFAC ever-evolving standards and South African legislative and Treasury frameworks. The indaba focuses on the external audit and finance areas that impacts public entities and the role of the professional auditors and accountants.
Theme: The era of big data and cybercrime.
CPD hours: There will be 6 CPD hours allocated to registered attendees.
Venue: Investec Pretoria
Address: Cnr Atterbury and, Klarinet Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0081
Room: Auditorium