Southern African Institute of Governance Auditors (SAIGA) in collaboration with FASSET invites you to a funded training on Governance. The training can be attended by both private and public sector employees.

Benefits of attending this training:

  • Good governance standards provide transparency and clear decision making, authority and responsibility structure at the public sector assets.
  • Good governance leads to good management, good performance, good investment of public money, good public behaviour and good outcomes.

Governance Course Outline:

  • Defining governance and giving a public sector perspective
  • Focusing on the key aspects of governance in the public sector
  • Principles of good governance
  • Governance Models
  • Components of a governance framework
  • Regulatory Framework – laws and regulations
  • King IV principles
  • Role of Audit and Risk Committees
  • The relationship between Governance and Ethics

Training details:

  • Venue: Virtual
  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes


Patrick Kubai

Executive Director and Head of Audit at MGI Ras


Governance Training Presentation

• Defining governance and giving a public sector perspective
• Focusing on the key aspects of governance in the public sector
• Principles of good governance
• Governance Models
• Components of a governance framework
• Regulatory Framework – laws and regulations
• King IV principles
• Role of Audit and Risk Committees
• The relationship between Governance and Ethics

Sponsors and Partners